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10 Copywriting Formulas That Always Work: Proven Strategies for Boosting Sales

Picture this: you’re staring at a blank screen, trying to come up with the perfect words to sell your product or service. The pressure is real and your mind is racing, wondering how to make your copy stand out.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone!

Even top marketers face writer’s block sometimes. But here’s the good news — there are copywriting formulas that always work, regardless of the product or audience.

In this article, I’m going to share 10 copywriting formulas that you can use today to create persuasive, high-converting copy.

These formulas aren’t magic — they’re based on human psychology, years of testing and proven results.

And the best part?

They’re simple enough that even a beginner can use them to get fantastic results.

Why Copywriting Formulas Work

Copywriting isn’t about flashy language or complicated words.

It’s about understanding how people think and using that knowledge to guide them towards a specific action.

The reason these formulas work so well is that they tap into basic human emotions like curiosity, fear, desire and urgency.

According to a study by HubSpot, well-crafted copy can increase conversion rates by up to 113%.

Whether you’re writing an email, landing page or social media ad, these formulas can help you boost engagement and sales.

Now, let’s break down 10 formulas that will transform your copywriting.

1. AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

This is the granddaddy of all copywriting formulas.

It’s been used for decades and is still one of the most effective methods for grabbing attention and driving action.


  • Attention: Grab the reader’s attention with a strong headline.
  • Interest: Keep them interested with benefits or an engaging story.
  • Desire: Build their desire by showing them how your product solves their problem.
  • Action: Push them to take action — buy, sign up or download.


  • Attention: “Want to Double Your Productivity in Just 3 Days?”
  • Interest: “Our proven system has helped over 10,000 professionals get more done in less time.”
  • Desire: “Imagine having more free time without sacrificing quality.”
  • Action: “Sign up now to get instant access!”

2. PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution)

PAS is a go-to formula for creating urgency and tapping into your audience’s pain points.

It’s simple, but powerful.


  • Problem: Identify the customer’s problem.
  • Agitate: Emphasize the emotional impact of that problem.
  • Solution: Present your product or service as the solution.


  • Problem: “Struggling to keep up with your daily tasks?”
  • Agitate: “It’s frustrating when you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and falling behind.”
  • Solution: “Our time management course can help you regain control and get more done in less time.”

3. The 4 Ps (Picture, Promise, Prove, Push)

The 4 Ps is a fantastic structure for product descriptions and sales pages.

It creates a clear, persuasive narrative by following four simple steps.


  • Picture: Paint a picture of what life will be like after using your product.
  • Promise: Make a big promise that your product will deliver.
  • Prove: Back up your claims with facts, testimonials, or data.
  • Push: Encourage the reader to take action.


  • Picture: “Imagine waking up each day, refreshed and full of energy.”
  • Promise: “Our supplement will boost your energy levels naturally.”
  • Prove: “Clinically proven and trusted by over 50,000 customers worldwide.”
  • Push: “Order today and get a 30-day money-back guarantee!”

4. The FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits) Formula

FAB focuses on connecting the dots between what your product does (features), why it’s useful (advantages), and what the customer gets out of it (benefits).


  • Features: What does your product do?
  • Advantages: Why is this feature useful?
  • Benefits: How does this help the customer?


  • Feature: “This smartphone has a 48-hour battery life.”
  • Advantage: “You won’t need to carry a charger everywhere.”
  • Benefit: “Stay connected without worrying about your phone dying in the middle of the day.”

5. The Before-After-Bridge (BAB) Formula

This is another simple formula that contrasts the reader’s current reality (Before), with a better future (After), and presents your product as the bridge that gets them there.


  • Before: Describe the problem.
  • After: Paint a picture of the ideal outcome.
  • Bridge: Show how your product or service helps them achieve that outcome.


  • Before: “Right now, your mornings are chaotic, and you feel stressed before you even start your day.”
  • After: “Imagine waking up with a clear plan and a sense of control.”
  • Bridge: “Our morning routine planner will help you design the perfect start to your day.”

6. The 5 Cs (Capture, Connect, Convey, Convince, Close)

This formula is particularly useful for sales copy and email campaigns.


  • Capture: Grab the reader’s attention.
  • Connect: Build a connection by addressing their needs.
  • Convey: Explain how your product solves their problem.
  • Convince: Provide proof or testimonials.
  • Close: Ask for the sale or action.


  • Capture: “Struggling to get more sales from your website?”
  • Connect: “We know how frustrating it is to spend time and money on a website that doesn’t convert.”
  • Convey: “Our conversion optimization services will help you turn visitors into buyers.”
  • Convince: “Over 1,000 businesses have seen a 200% increase in sales using our methods.”
  • Close: “Schedule a free consultation today.”

7. The ACCA (Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action) Formula

ACCA is a structured approach that first makes your reader aware of an issue, then helps them understand it, believe in your solution, and finally take action.


  • Awareness: Bring the reader’s attention to a problem.
  • Comprehension: Help them understand the nature of the problem.
  • Conviction: Convince them your product is the best solution.
  • Action: Encourage them to act now.

8. The “So What?” Formula

This formula keeps you focused on what really matters to your customer.

Every time you make a claim, ask yourself, “So what?”— and then answer it.

This forces you to focus on benefits instead of features.


  • Claim: “Our shoes are made from premium leather.”
  • So what?: “So they last longer and are more comfortable.”
  • Better Copy: “Our shoes are made from premium leather, ensuring maximum comfort and durability, so you can walk confidently all day long.”

9. The Star-Chain-Hook Formula

This formula is great for storytelling and creating an emotional connection with your audience.


  • Star: Start with a compelling statement or story.
  • Chain: Link your story with a series of facts or benefits.
  • Hook: End with a strong call to action.


  • Star: “Meet Sarah. Two years ago, she was struggling to grow her business.”
  • Chain: “After using our marketing strategies, Sarah’s business tripled its revenue in just 6 months.”
  • Hook: “Ready to see the same results? Try our marketing plan today.”

10. The 4 Us (Urgent, Unique, Useful, Ultra-Specific)

The 4 Us is perfect for writing headlines and ad copy.


  • Urgent: Create a sense of urgency.
  • Unique: Highlight what makes your product different.
  • Useful: Show how the reader will benefit.
  • Ultra-Specific: Get specific about what they’ll get or what they need to do.


  • “Only 24 Hours Left: Get Our One-of-a-Kind Social Media Blueprint for 50% Off!”

Whether you’re selling a product, writing a blog post or creating an ad, these formulas are your cheat sheet to success.

They work because they’re rooted in human psychology and they’ve been tested and proven to boost sales and engagement.

Remember, words have power.

With the right copy, you can not only sell a product but create a loyal customer base, inspire action and grow your business.

Why wait?

Start using these copywriting formulas today and see the difference for yourself.

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