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Practical Marketing Strategies for One Person Businesses

When I first started my one person business, the thought of handling everything alone was overwhelming.

Product creation, customer service, admin work — it all seemed manageable. But then came marketing.

The word alone sent shivers down my spine.

How was I, a single person with no marketing background, supposed to compete with bigger businesses?

At first, I tried to ignore it, thinking that my product would sell itself. Spoiler: It didn’t.

That’s when I realized I needed to get serious about marketing, but I didn’t have the time, energy or resources for complex campaigns.

So, I started looking for marketing strategies that worked for a solopreneur like me.

What I found was surprising: Marketing didn’t have to be overwhelming.

By focusing on a few targeted and tailored strategies to my limited bandwidth, I was able to grow my business without losing my mind.

Today, I’m sharing those same strategies with you — approaches that are practical, scalable and designed for someone wearing all the hats in their business. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your marketing to the next level, these tips will help you grow as a one person business.

Why Marketing Feels Overwhelming for One Person Businesses

First, let’s address the elephant in the room — why is marketing so challenging when you’re running a solo business?

It’s simple: time and energy.

You’re wearing a million hats and marketing tends to get pushed to the bottom of the list.

But here’s why you can’t ignore it:

  • 80% of consumers research a brand online before making a purchase.
  • 64% of small businesses rely on social media for marketing.

So, marketing isn’t optional. It’s the key to getting your products or services in front of the right people.

But here’s the good news: marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Let’s explore practical, easily applicable strategies that you can implement even if you only have a few hours each week.

1. Social Media Marketing or SMM

You don’t need to be everywhere online. Choose one or two social media platforms where your target audience hangs out.

Are your customers young and creative? Instagram or TikTok might be the place to be.

Are they business-focused professionals? LinkedIn could be your goldmine.

Quick Wins:

  • Instagram: Use Reels or Stories to give behind-the-scenes looks at your work. One person businesses benefit from being authentic and personal.
  • TikTok: Share short tips or show how your product works in quick, informative videos. The TikTok algorithm rewards creative, genuine content.
  • LinkedIn: Share insightful posts about your industry, talk about trends and engage in discussions. You’ll build authority fast.

Schedule your posts in batches. Apps like Buffer or Hootsuite let you set up your content for the week in just a few hours, freeing up more time for everything else.

2. Email Marketing or EM

If social media is for getting attention, email marketing is for building relationships.

When someone gives you their email, they’re giving you direct access to their inbox — a more personal connection than a viral Instagram post.

Why email? Because for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a return of $42. That’s a massive ROI that you don’t want to miss out on.

Quick Wins:

  • Build Your List: Offer a freebie or lead magnet in exchange for an email address. For example, if you’re a one person web design business, offer a free “5 Tips to Improve Your Website” PDF.
  • Engage with Content: Don’t just sell in every email. Share useful information, tell a personal story or show the human side of your business.
  • Automate: Set up welcome email sequences or abandoned cart reminders. Once automated, they’ll run in the background and work for you while you focus on other areas.

3. Content Marketing

As a one person business, you likely have a niche expertise.

Whether it’s crafting, consulting or coding, content marketing allows you to show off what you know. Start a blog, create videos or even a podcast — whatever format suits you best.

  • 60% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after consuming content from it.
  • Leads cost 62% less than outbound marketing methods (like ads) when generated through content.

The goal here is to provide value. By sharing knowledge, you build trust. And trust is a huge factor in why people buy.

Quick Wins:

  • Blogging: Write articles related to your field. For instance, if you’re a solo fitness coach, write posts like “How to Stay Fit with a Busy Schedule” or “5 Easy Home Workouts.”
  • Videos: A short video explaining a tip or demonstrating a product works perfectly.
  • Podcasting: You don’t need fancy equipment. Share your insights, interview other entrepreneurs, or simply talk about your journey.

Focus on SEO (search engine optimization) with every piece of content you create. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to find what terms your target audience is searching for.

4. Collaborate with Other Solopreneurs

Don’t think of other solopreneurs as competition — think of them as allies. Partnering up can open new doors and expand your reach.

For example, if you sell handmade jewelry, collaborate with a solo photographer who can help you with product photos in exchange for promoting their services.

Quick Wins:

  • Guest Blogging: Write a blog post for another entrepreneur’s site or invite them to write for yours. This gives you both new audiences.
  • Co-Hosting Webinars or Live Streams: Share your expertise on a live stream or webinar. You each promote to your audiences, doubling your reach.
  • Joint Giveaways or Promotions: If you’re both in similar fields, pool your resources and offer a bundled product or service. Both of you benefit from exposure to each other’s audience.

I had a client who was a one person graphic designer and he partnered with a copywriter to offer a combined branding package. The promotion boosted their visibility and brought in 35% more clients over a month.

Just think.

5. Paid Ads

Even as a one person business, paid ads can be a powerful tool to grow faster. But you don’t need a massive budget to see results.

The key is to start small, experiment and track the data.

Quick Wins:

  • Facebook/Instagram Ads: Target specific demographics or interests with a few dollars a day.
  • Pinterest Ads: If your product is highly visual (like crafts, design or fashion), Pinterest ads are a hidden gem with great engagement rates.

Set a small daily budget, say $5-$10 and watch how it performs. Tweak your audience and ad copy until you find what works best.

6. Social Proof

For one person businesses, social proof is everything. Potential customers want to see that others have had a positive experience before they commit.

Quick Wins:

  • Ask for Reviews: Send a follow-up email after a purchase asking for a review. Incentivize them with a small discount or freebie on their next order.
  • Showcase Testimonials: Display reviews prominently on your website and social media. Include pictures, names (if allowed) and specific details about how you helped them.

72% of consumers say positive reviews make them trust a business more.

7. Measure What Matters

As a solo entrepreneur, time is your most valuable asset. Don’t waste it on strategies that aren’t working.

Set aside time each week to check your numbers — whether it’s social media engagement, website traffic or email open rates.

Quick Wins:

  • Google Analytics: Track where your website traffic is coming from and what content is performing best.
  • Social Media Insights: Most platforms (like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) have built-in analytics. See what types of posts are getting the most engagement.
  • Email Marketing Software: Tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit offer detailed stats on open rates, click-through rates and subscriber growth.

Running a one-person business is no small feat and just the fact that you’re here, learning and trying to grow, is something to be proud of.

Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself and your business by exploring these strategies.

Marketing is often seen as a challenge, but with the right mindset and approach, it becomes an opportunity.

I appreciate your dedication and commitment to creating something meaningful and I’m rooting for your success every step of the way.

Keep up the great work!

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